Friday, December 18, 2009

CRM 4.0 Server - Hardcore Installing

There are moments when installing the Microsoft CRM 4.0 Server can be a real pain, if your Organization doesn't offer you full "trust" in its AD (Active Directory). After some digging, finally found a working solution (start to end :P):

step 1: Find a nice Active Directory Admin to manually create 5 groups for you in the Organization Node, with full privileges for the username that you will install the CRM 4 Server with:

step 2: Create a custom precreateconfig.xml file that will look like this (ask the same friendly guy from first step to assist you with this):
<crmsetup><server><groups autogroupmanagementoff="true"><privusergroup>CN=PrivUserGroup,OU=Company Name,OU=Company Name,DC=<domain>,DC=<domain_extension></privusergroup> <sqlaccessgroup>CN=SQLAccessGroup,OU=Company Name,OU=Company Name, DC=<domain>,DC=<domain_extension></sqlaccessgroup> <usergroup>CN=UserGroup,OU=Company Name,OU=Company Name,DC=<domain>,DC=<domain_extension></usergroup> <reportinggroup>CN=ReportingGroup,OU=Company Name,OU=Company Name, DC=<domain>,DC=<domain_extension></reportinggroup> <privreportinggroup>CN=PrivReportingGroup,OU=Company Name,OU=Company Name, DC=<domain>,DC=<domain_extension></privreportinggroup> </groups></server></crmsetup>

step 3: Go Start > Run > cmd (Command Prompt) and type:
<Drive:>\CRM 4 Kit\Server\i386\SetupServer.exe /config <Drive:>\Path_to_your_creation\precreateconfig.xml

step 4:
Pray for no further random errors while enjoying your progress bars @ Setup Screen:

step 5: After setup is completed successfully, ask the same kind AD Admin to re-add the CRM Administrator (the one you installed with) in the PrivUserGroup (with Full Privileges). See step 1 for details...
step 6: Go http://<hostname>:<port>/ and enjoy your CRM (now you will most likely have the right to finally use the product you <paid> for :)
step 7: ???
step 8: Profit!

For a detailed article about 90% of this issue, you can study this MSDN KB article.

Also, if your setup failed and cannot be uninstalled/repaired, while experimenting OTHER ways of installing than the one described above, I recommend you study this MSDN KB article as well. You gotta try this one once if you wanna train your fingers in deleting keys in RegEdit @ light speed...

Cheers and may the patience be with you :)

4 comentarii:

sadicq said...

It's good to see some activity again around here. :D

Anonymous said...

Dear Author !
It is grateful for the help in this question how I can thank you?

Anonymous said...

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And you et an account on Twitter?

CSC said...

Twitter: cornelcroitoriu
And yes, you may refference this post :) merry xmas